About me

My name is Clément Delmas, and I am a senior web developer

I am passionate, talkative and, creative. I care about accessibility, quality, and ethics.

I have build responsive websites and web apps for more than 10 years.
I love backend and frontend technologies, and enjoy working on performance and stunning interfaces.

I contribute to Open-Source projects when I can, mainly around PHP and Symfony. I also wrote articles for the AFSY advent calendar.

A picture of your humble host
My lovely boys with the cat, looking at each other, near a window

I live near Paris with my lovely family. I take care of my wife, and my two little boys as much as I can.

I love creating and discovering things and learning new stuff. There's always music or podcasts in my ears, and sometimes games in my hands.

Hiking, body workouts, and running help me feel good, but I also like to play badminton.

And I love traveling...

  • Sunset on Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California
  • Itsukushima-Jinja Torii, Miyajima, Japan
  • Hallasan, Jeju-do, South Korea
  • Arèches Beaufort, Alpes, France